VD AMOK is a Dutch anti-militarist and conscientious objectors organization, non-governmental and non-profit, that works closely together with peace movements and peace organizations to create a peaceful, fair and stable world.
We gather and publish background information on the latest developments on the military, arms trade, repression, the intelligence service and the peace movement.
Our aim is to influence the media, the Dutch authorities and the general public and to prove that there are peaceful solutions to conflicts other-than the use of force.
This motivates us to conduct research and publish in our magazine concrete facts and stories of organizations and individual activists that support non-violence solutions to problems.
We are involved in several activities including: lobbying against weapons of mass destructions, conducting research and the documentation of military information.
We work together with other NGO's to bring the nuclear weapon issue back on the Dutch political agenda, providing necessary information, facilitate meetings and exchanging views. We conduct research on military spending on the latest weapons, arms trade between countries, Dutch troops deployments and control of territories.
We are subscribed to about 180 magazines, most of which are military, peace, regional and/or political oriented. There are approximately 1,700 books titles in our library and our press-clipping archive is roughly divided into 300 folders from important national and international newspapers and weekly magazines from 1984 onwards.

We work closely together with other organizations and groups that are putting maximum efforts to at least have a peaceful and stable world. Presently, we coordinate activities with organizations that are campaigning against the 'War on Terrorism'.
VredesMagazine is an anti-militarist and peace magazine in Dutch. It is a joint publication of the Haags Vredesplatform (HVP), Humanistisch Vredesberaad (HVB), Vereniging Pais, Samenwerkingsverband Stop de Wapenwedloop, Antimilitaristies OnderzoeksKollectief VD AMOK and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Netherlands. VredesMagazine is independent and it is open to the general public for suggestions and criticisms.
This magazine is published minimal four times a year and contains stories with detailed background information and in-depth analyses on the latest developments in politics, military, and peace activities.
We pay special attention to arms trade, repression, the intelligence services and we present many facts on sensitive issues that the media presents in another perspective and sometimes ignores to publish. We are currently focusing on the war in Iraq, the security situation, the commitment of Dutch troops, and defence spending
For further information, please write, call or mail us:
Lauwerecht 55
3515 GN Utrecht
The Netherlands
tel: 06-14127779
giro: 5557607 VD AMOK, Utrecht